11-10, 11:45–12:30 (America/New_York), Radio City (6th floor)
Have questions after (or in this case, before!) a keynote? Excited to learn more from one of our keynote speakers? Fireside chats are a great opportunity meet our speakers in a more intimate setting.
Join moderators Anna Vasilyeva and Cameron Riddell for a fireside chat with keynote speaker Dr. Melissa Mendonça.
Melissa Mendonça is an applied mathematician and former university professor who fell in love with open source communities. She has been involved with the Python and PyData communities for some time, with a focus on outreach, education and DEI. She works at Quansight as a Senior Developer Experience Engineer, is a maintainer for NumPy and SciPy, and believes in the power of contributions beyond code.
No previous knowledge expected