PyData NYC 2022

PyScript & Data Science: PyData stack on the Browser
11-09, 10:15–11:00 (America/New_York), Music Box (5th floor)

PyScript has brought change to the Python and PyData eco-system making it much easier to execute Python in the browser and opening the road for multiple possibilities that were not possible. The talk will explore what happened since we presented it, the status of the project and related tooling today and will talk about how PyScript can change the way we do Data Science and many other things.

It's been a few months since we first presented PyScript during PyCon 2022. It has driven a lot of enthusiasm in the community. PyScript can really change the way Data Science is delivered and democratized. By running Python directly in the browser, you can really get the experience of running Python anywhere, any time using the browser as a ubiquitous Virtual Machine.

Given the good support for the PyData stack, Data Science is the first and perhaps the most straightforward context in which PyScript can have its say. In fact, PyScript enables the creation of self-contained rich scientific apps, bringing the Scipy/PyData stack directly integrated with interactive data visualization frameworks, e.g. bokeh or panel. But there's more! PyScript also allows direct integration with Javascript, allowing the development of full-fledged applications that can now use the best tools of each other stack. But there's even more! The easy access and reduced application complexity now can really make a difference in bringing Python and Data Science to the masses.

In this talk, we're going to talk about PyScript, the latest developments and tools available; and go through many examples that highlight the possibilities of a future of Python in the browser.

Prior Knowledge Expected

No previous knowledge expected