PyData NYC 2022

Ilinca Barsan

Ilinca Barsan is a director of data science at Wunderman Thompson. A founding member of Wunderman Thompson’s Global Creative Data Group and a social scientist by training, she has an overactive imagination and a passion for weird side projects, storytelling with data, and that sweet spot where code and creativity collide. Ilinca was born in Romania, grew up in Germany, and is currently based in New York after stints in Singapore and London. She has an MSc in Social Science of the Internet from the Oxford Internet Institute, with a specialization in network science.

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A Guide to Data Science as a Creative Discipline
Ilinca Barsan

With the alleged creative superpowers of Artificial Intelligence systems such as DALL·E 2 and GPT-3 in the news, you might have heard claims that AI is about to replace creatives. But instead of pitting machines against creatives, this interactive talk would like to invite you to reframe data science as an inherently creative discipline beyond these current, buzz-worthy applications. This presentation will walk you through different examples of creativity across the entire data science workflow, and give practical guidance on how you can make each stage of your own data science process a little more creative, no matter what your daily work looks like.

Central Park West (6th floor)