PyData NYC 2022

Jeff Hale

Jeff Hale is passionate about helping people and organizations learn data skills and use data more effectively. As a Developer Advocate at Prefect, Jeff helps people coordinate their dataflows. He has taught over 200 data science lessons and written widely on data-related topics. Jeff has been designated a top Medium writer in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Technology and authored several books. He co-organizes the Data Science DC Meetup and is a board member of Data Community DC.

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Supercharge your Python code with Blocks
Jeff Hale

Everyone who codes can save time by reusing configuration — whether for logging in to cloud providers or databases, spinning up Docker containers, or sending notifications. The Prefect open source library provides you with blocks - sharable, reusable, and secure configuration with code. Blocks can be created and edited through the Prefect GUI or Python code, allowing for easy collaboration with team members of all skill levels.

Music Box (5th floor)